Q & A

Questions & Answers

  1. Open or closed adoption?  We feel like this will be based not just how we feel but also how the birth mother and /or birth father feels as well. We are OPEN to all scenarios as we understand that the openness will depend on the circumstances, but we are as open as it can be, meaning it can be as little as pictures and updates, all the way up to you and or your family attending important events or to just want to spend some time together. This also means that we know their may be an individual that doesn't want it to be open and we respect that as well. But we do feel there are advantages to having it open and it can be a beautiful thing. 
  2. What do you as a family can offer children and what will home life be like? In our home there definitely will be the Gospel. It is our goal to have this be the center of our home. There is lots of love in our home and cuddling! We love to give as much love as we can, we love hugs, and i love yous and snuggle time. We as a family also love to spend time outdoors, whether it be camping, hiking, a trip to the park, fishing, skiing, flying kites, to coloring the sidewalk, balloon fights, movie nights, riding bikes, playing games and just being together. Our home will  have people that will make mistakes, sorry's said, please and thank you's, patience, prayers, books read, dinner together, Laughs, smiling, crying, holding, everyone helps, family home evenings, support, and encouragement.
  3. What is your marriage like? We feel like we have a one of a kind marriage. We still have our fights like everybody else, but the love we have runs deep. We support each other through the hard times and celebrate the good times. We walk side by side through this life together. We work really well together, their is nothing that either one of us having tried or done to support each other in taking care of the home or each other. We really are best friends and try our best to take care of one another.
  4. What is Travis's family like? They are wonderful. He has three brothers and Travis is the youngest. We know that his family every single one of them will do anything to support us and love us. It is a smaller family, but we like it because it is really close. We have one niece and two nephews on this side. We get together at least monthly with everyone and see each other on the holidays. His parents go through a lot of effort too make things fun. Like for 4th of July they sent us on a treasure hunt, and had games for us all planned out to play. We enjoy sitting around talking and visiting and playing with the kids. We try to have a family trip yearly which has been a lot fun! 
  5. What is Amber's family like? She has a lot of family! Amber's parents divorced when she was 12. Her mother and father are both remarried to wonderful people. She has an older brother, an older sister, her twin sister, then a little sister. She also has lots of  wonderful step siblings which most live out of town, but some of them are close by. We are fortunate to live close to both of her families. Her Dad lives in Pleasant Grove and we try to get together monthly with them. Her Dad actually lives right up the road which is nice for her to run to his house as a pit stop! Her mother lives in Lindon and we get together monthly for dinner and visiting. She loves being a twin and having that special bond between twin sisters. They are identical, but her twin is taller than her. She is close with her siblings and we spend a lot of time with all of them. They all live close except for her twin, who lives in Montana. We have lots of nieces and nephews on this side!!! When we get together it is loud and fun! Some of the traditions is we go to cherry hill yearly with her Dad and siblings and with her Mom we get together yearly for either a summer party with their large blow up slides or they have taken the time to take us individually as families to spend time with us one on one! 
  6. What are some of your favorite family traditions? For Travis he loves his annual hunt with his brother and friends. He loves that time of year he gets to be outside making memories with them, We love going to Cherry Hill yearly and look forward to when we can take our own kids, but we still love going and being with our nieces and nephews. We also look forward to amber's Mom's family we get together for Canadian Thanksgiving and our summer bbq parties are always a blast. We also love that we see each family at least monthly and feel very fortunate to be close to our families to be able to see them on a regular basis!
  7. Do you struggle with infertility? Yes we have struggles with infertility. Amber has endometriosis and annovulatory periods (which basically means non existent). She has always known it would be difficult for her to get pregnant. We also have minor male factor as well. We have tried to get pregnant since we have been married and have never prevented it. We have tried 6 different procedure in efforts to get pregnant and we were down to having to do Invitro Fertilization in order to get pregnant. We were preparing for that, but in our prayers we feel as though we are meant to Adopt. So adoption is not a last resort for us, it is a choice we are making that we feel will bless our family and our home. Amber has always had a soft heart towards adoption and has always wanted to adopt. We simply love kids and want to have them in our home. 
We hope that some of these questions will give you more in depth to who we are and what our life is like. We are open to answering any other questions you may have or ones that we have not thought of.  Please don't hesitate to contact us with your questions! 

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